Real Estate Fraud Complaint Form

  • The District Attorney has limited resources to process complaints. All complaints will be reviewed by a member of the Real Estate Fraud Unit. Not all complaints are investigated.
  • The legal staff of the Imperial County District Attorney's Office is not permitted to engage in the private practice law or to furnish legal authority to assert your individual private rights.
  • The Real Estate Fraud Unit does not conduct personal intake interviews or make appointments to accept the written complaint form.

I. Complainant

(Person Filing Complaint)

United States +1
United States +1

II. Business/Suspect Complaint is Against

Enter only numbers0 / 10
Gender *
Enter only numbers0 / 10

Business/Suspect 2

Second Business or Subject

Enter only numbers0 / 10
Gender *

III. Transaction Information

Was a Contract Signed (if yes, please attach a copy) *
Did you contact the business about your complaint *
Have you contacted a private attorney? *
Any civil lawsuit pending, incluiding small claims? *
Any judgements? *
May we provide a copy of your complaint and information to other governmental or consumer agencies? *

IV. Complaint

Documentation *Please check which items you have that support...

    V. Declaration

    Date and sign below - anonymous referrals are not accepted. California Penal Code Section 148.5(a) states:

    I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing statements and photocopies of attached documents are true and correct.

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